Nerve (042)

Having family over today stressed me out way more than I’ve been in nearly a year. This is the kind of stress that winds muscles tight and brings me to a point of instability. My home was prepared for their arrival: decorations placed, food cooking, table set. It was only I who was unprepared. 

My nerves started calming nearly immediately after my cousin rang the doorbell. He was here for about forty minutes before his mom and Sissy arrived with Grannie. I enjoyed talking with him and Mike for that time, and wish that next time he will be able to stay longer after dinner. Grannie was surprised and in disbelief that we had been planning this for a month. Though, her short term memory is failing and it was quite easy for us to accomplish. Dinner was a hit, so was dessert. We watched a few clips of Cecily Strong as our beloved Governor Whitmer, and we visited for several hours. Hopefully next time, this hoopy frood can remember where her towel is.