Knee (088)
Falling sucks. The older I get, the worse each fall gets. As I type this, at 11:20pm, my hip aches, my knee throbs internally and the skin is irritated, and my left ankle feels like it always does after I twist it and go down. Did I correct the issue that caused me to fall in the first place, at some point today? No, I did not. I made the knee worse by deciding that today was a good day to rearrange the furniture in the office. How did this even happen? Michelle Akin would correctly say, inertia.
I’m embarrassed, but maybe by putting this out into the world, I will take corrective action. The following was written at 4:15am today:
I just fell on my knee in the dark. All of my weight down on my right knee, on carpet. My entire leg is still throbbing thirty minutes later. Fuck getting old.
Why did I fall? Because I stepped on the edge of my suitcase, which is still in the middle of the floor, in the direct path to the door. Why wasn’t I just using the bathroom that is attached to the bedroom, with nothing in the way? Because I threw up in there yesterday morning at 1am and there is still vomit spatter on the seat the I haven’t cleaned up yet.
Is this a new low? It might be.