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Loose (078)

Loose (078)

Time to start kicking my ass into gear. How many times have I said that lately? Holy shit, Andrea. It’s time to actually do it. I made a list of goals to have complete by Sunday this week, and I have no choice but to do them. There are several Coach purses that I hardly used that need to get posted on Mercari. We have a couch in the garage that needs to be posted on Facebook Marketplace. I’ll likely post the one in my office also. I really want to get a sofa that pulls out into a bed so we can use that room as a guest space. My desk is atrociously cluttered again, and the living room is now storage for post-vacation crap. That shit needs to change. 

While working on my bullet journal spread for this week, I accidentally got drunk on adult popsicles. Did not intend to get tipsy at all, but I’m addicted to those frozen pouches of juice. The ones I happen to have right now contain alcohol. Oops. So, this post is a bit loosey goosey. Who invented that term? Are there loose geese wandering around being slut shamed? I’m sorry, geese. Get your groove on! 

Blades (079)

Blades (079)

Fork (077)

Fork (077)