Fork (077)

One of Mike’s nieces turned five this week, so we had to leave camp for a few hours today to attend her birthday party. She’s a super sweet little girl, and I love her immediate family. There have been some awkward issues between me and her other grandma (not Mike’s mom), I’ll call her Karen for the purpose of this post. Karen blocked me on Facebook almost immediately after friending me, and I’ve still never figured out why. She’s posted some weird stuff, and I’m not missing out on anything by not connecting with her. 

She is the type of woman who puts an underlying message in everything she says and does. I don’t read those messages; I’m straight up how you see me, and I say what I mean. I don’t do well with people who hide their true intentions.

While at the birthday party today, another niece, about 3 years old, had passed out forks to everyone in anticipation of cake. Mike and I were among a few that did not get forks. Someone else (I can’t remember who) had been sitting by us on the floor petting Jorah and left theirs on the carpet. 

Karen eventually passed out cake to everyone, one by one, making sure everyone still had a fork also. I was still sitting on the floor holding Jorah to keep him calm from the chaos created by six kids under 8. When she got to me, she handed me a plate with cake and asked if I had a fork. I told her no. She looked down at the fork a few feet from me, the one left by some other random person, that had been sitting on the floor for at least ten minutes. She said, “yes you do, it’s right there,” and pointed as she turned to walk away. 

I lit her on fire as she walked away, and then loudly asked Mike to grab me one.