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Nostalgia (035)

Nostalgia (035)

My aunt recently brought me stacks of photos of myself and our family from the time I was a baby through about 16 years old. I didn’t have access to any of these photos before due to the lack of relationship with my mother. I only had photos from my first digital camera through now. I had asked her for a couple of specific photos a few months ago and she took it upon herself to dig up more than just those that I asked for. 

I have thoroughly enjoyed looking back at my childhood and remembering different toys that I had, different styles of clothes that we wore, and dance costumes from when I did jazz recitals in elementary school. I also learned that my original Game Boy was not my cousin’s first as I said in the post for Day 24. I received it as a Christmas present in 1993 when I was eight years old along with Kirby’s Pinball and a game called Yoshi that was like a matching tiles puzzle game. Those were two of my favorite games, even to this day, to play on the Game Boy. I saw the progression of my hair cuts and the first time that I bleached my hair to put pink in my bangs. I was such a punk back then, and I got to see how old I was when I first wore my favorite Green Day shirt. It was nice to see Papaw‘s cabin in a few pictures because I only vaguely remember what it looked like inside. 

These photos have sparked a lot of memories that I am excited to incorporate into my book. And I spent some time while I was going through them today sharing a bunch of them on my Instagram story with fun captions. I hope that if you follow me on there you had a chance to see those. Maybe I will include them in a blog post in the future.

Wax (036)

Wax (036)

Nails (034)

Nails (034)