Rogen (090)

I read Seth Rogen’s book in a week. When I had time that would usually be spent on social media, I reached for his book instead. It’s hilarious. He knows that many people who read it will probably be stoned, so there are diagrams in it to help show what he’s talking about. It had me hooked immediately with his childhood stories. 

I couldn’t stop laughing at some of the ridiculous run ins with celebrities that he detailed later in the book. Between Nic Cage setting up a meeting to find out if someone stole an idea from him, to Kanye West trapping him in a van for hours to listen to unfinished music, I couldn’t wait to read what was next. I had no idea that Seth started stand up so young, which is very admirable. It’s crazy what we will try a kids with no inhibition, and he stuck with it. 

I definitely recommend his book. If you enjoy any of his work, or even if you don’t and you just like books about awesome stories, check it out!