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Home (091)

Home (091)

When I tell you I want to go home, don’t try to convince me not to. We woke up half an hour before we were supposed to have Thelma to a different driveway so that Mike’s brother-in-law’s brother could replace the sealant on the roof. We were instantly on the move, and managed to arrive only half an hour late. We have become very good at moving her from place to place quickly. 

We then had a baby shower to attend, and we still needed to buy books for part of our gift. McDonald’s supplied breakfast on the way to Costco for gas, and then we ran into Target for books. With only an hour at home to get ready, we were constantly moving still. The baby shower was wonderful, and we got to see many people we haven’t for a couple years. Jorah met a new buddy who wanted nothing to do with him, so that didn’t play out how we’d hoped, and his energy was spent barking at everything while we tried to silence him for four hours.

After the baby shower, Mike’s sisters were hanging out at one of their homes near the park we were at. We decided to stop by to say hello. That was the plan, a quick stop. After being there for half an hour, one sister was trying to convince us to stay and have dinner with them a bit too hard. Mike wanted to, but I was already half asleep on the couch, and my nerves were wearing thin after 10 hours of running around and being outside. Instead of just saying, maybe next time, she kept asking Mike if he wasn’t sure about staying. Right in front of me. She even pulled him aside and offered to drive him home later, a 25 minute one way drive. She thought I was being unreasonable, and the only person who understood my desire to leave was the boyfriend of the other sister who agreed that we’d already had a long day. 

After a contentious ride home, I heated up Thai food from Thursday night and crashed on the couch. Shortly after finishing the food, I fully passed out for an hour and a half. Clearly, I was in no condition to have stayed out in an uncomfortable dress and bra, half asleep, insides grumbling not from hunger, and with a dog who was driving me nuts. I’m glad to be home, and I hope this is the last fight over staying out versus going home. 

Breath (092)

Breath (092)

Rogen (090)

Rogen (090)