Spice (075)

We are catching up on Hot Ones tonight, and it just makes me want to say fuck it and order the 10 pack of their sauces to do the challenge with Mike and who ever else would participate. I want to experience what these celebrities go through on this show. If you are not familiar, it’s on the First We Feast YouTube channel. Sean Evans interviews celebrities while they eat ten chicken wings (sometimes it’s a vegan option) that get consecutively hotter with different sauces. 

There is one sauce in particular that gets everyone to react with varying degrees of hilarity, called Da Bomb. Apparently, it has a terrible flavor and just burns every bit of exposed skin tissue. I’ve never really been one for eating spicy foods, but I’ve grown more adventurous with it the last few years. In all honesty, the first level of sauce used by Hot Ones is hot enough for me. Their first sauce was made for their franchise, and it’s meant to be like a classic vinegar hot sauce. It has a great flavor, and I got into a kick of eating it on eggs and chicken nuggets for a while. Like everything I enjoy, I got a bit bored of it, so the second bottle is still sitting mostly full in the fridge. There will come a day that I order the set and run the gamut.