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Work (097)

Work (097)

Last night gave me some of the worst sleep I’ve had since my anxiety took over in Punta Cana. I woke up thinking about nightmare scenarios that could happen if I return to an office environment. This is some of my worst anxiety. The gig job I do is slowing down significantly, and I am needing to figure out a way to make income at home even more. 

Lots of people have viewed the purse listings, and liked them for their saved searches, but nothing has sold yet. I have some lightly worn shoes that I’m going to post as well. Hopefully they all sell eventually. I should be putting this stuff on Facebook marketplace also, but I don’t have PayPal set up anymore. That is something I will be working on this week. 

It’s hard to believe that there are only three more posts for my 100 Day Challenge after this one. I am planning to write longer pieces for the last two. There is a Part 2 of Jorah Borkmont on the way as one of them. I’ll have to figure out my new writing schedule after Monday. 

Free (098)

Free (098)

Reunion (096)

Reunion (096)