Towel (094)

Today is Towel Day. Happy Towel Day, fellow nerds! If you don’t know what today celebrates, I invite you read Douglas Adams’s book The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Towels are the most useful item in the galaxy, and a hoopy frood should always know where their towel is. 

You can use it as a sail. You can shield yourself from nasty odors with it. You can wet it for use in hand to hand combat. You can wave it around in case of emergencies. It will keep you warm at night. If it’s still clean, you can even dry yourself with it. 

I read this book back in high school and fell in love with the story. Admittedly, I have never finished the anthology. I got half way through the third book and thought it was taking some weird turns and lost interest. There will come a day that I decide to finish it, but it may be many years. It was one of the first fiction books I read by choice, and I had many nerdy friends who loved to talk about it. Be a frood, check out the book, and find your towel.