My Morning Duty

Good morning, friends!

The first thing I do when I come downstairs in the morning is not get the drink of water my body really needs. I don’t immediately turn on the stove to heat water for tea. One might think I’d grab a cereal bowl and spoon; they would be wrong.


I have been programmed to do one thing first. It’s not for my benefit. It doesn’t help the household in any way through progression of chores. Mike is typically at work and gains nothing from my action.

The first thing I do is open the vertical blinds, grab a particular rectangular cloth, gently fold one third of it ‘hot dog style’ underneath itself and place it in the window. 


“There you go,” I tell Jorah as he prepares to jump up into his spot, knowing that I have served him well enough. 

It is from this spot that Jorah can track who dares to step on his grass. He also alerts me to all squirrel activity.


Dog forbid I take too long in the bathroom before coming downstairs. On those mornings, Jorah will peek his head around the corner and glare at me from the bottom of the stairs, shouting with his eyes: “hurry up and make my window bed!”

I must confess that I lied. I do benefit from the sight of my doggie in the window. Just look at this guy.


I hope you benefit from this as well. There are plenty more on Jorah’s Instagram.

